Archive for the ‘Beauty tips’ Category

clear-skin-diet-bear296-296x300If you thought, spots were something that only teenagers got. Think again! Many women suffer from acne well into their mid-20s and 30s. So what is it, that causes acne or skin related problems? You may wonder! Skin related problem could be a result of anything, from stress to hormone fluctuations, etc. Today, there are many creams and antibiotics in the market that promise significant improvement in the quality of your skin, however, nothing works better than quality food, fresh air and plenty of exercise.

While obviously, genetics and lifestyle play an important role in the skin health, there are many food items that can help you fight skin related problems such as acne, wrinkles, etc.

Balanced Diet Is the Key To Healthy Skin
Many experts believe that eating a balanced diet is the perfect recipe for healthy skin. Not only are nutrients in a diet responsible for a healthy looking skin, but they also promote health and wellness. Here are a few food items you must use in your daily diet for a healthy looking skin.

  • Broccoli: Broccoli is high is antioxidants, including vitamins such as Vitamin C and E. Vitamin C is Broccoli helps in the production of collagen and keeps the skin fresh and healthy. On the other hand, Vitamin E protects the skin membrane against damaging UV effects.
  •  Almond: Almonds can be served with rice, yogurt, and salad. You can eat them whole or fried. They are the best food source for Vitamin E, nourish the skin, restoring the oils within, and protect the skin from the damaging effects of UV rays.
  • Carrot: Carrots help you stay healthy and vibrant. They are high on beta Carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A and helps in repairing skin tissues that got damaged by the harsh rays of the sun.
  • Tropical Fruits: Eating tropical fruits like guava, pineapple, kiwi, etc. protects the skin against free radicals and repairs the skin. It helps in producing collagen that keeps the skin firm and elastic.

Besides including these food items in your daily diet, you should consume plenty of water. Water keeps the skin hydrated, reducing the harmful effects of pollutants. Remember, good diet and change in lifestyle is all it takes for a clear and healthy looking skin.